Pharmaceutical product registration Kazakhstan  Imexpharma twitter  eng | қаз | rus
Distribution medicine

Marketing activity

"The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably."

Source: Chartered Institute of Marketing

Kazakh market is very difficult in sense of Marketing. Helping the consumers in Kazakhstan in understanding why and how to use a certain product is all the more appealing.

Imexpharma is helping its clients to connect with the key opinion leaders, doctors, government officials and consumers. We organize conferences for select practitioners, conduct advisory boards for a product, and we help in preparing presentations and brochures.

All our marketing campaigns are different and unique, so our clients can be sure that we do everything in our power to manage a productive campaign in their best interest. We have received only compliments for our marketing campaigns.

Our campaigns include both educational and lobbying operations. We educate relevant parties about the product’s advantages, and we try to influence them to purchase the relevant product. At the beginning we engage appropriate groups to develop a key message. Then we advocate product advantages to relevant audience until they become aware what the product is, how to use it, and why they should recommend. We lobby the product to influential persons, trying to persuade them to buy it. We believe that a good strategy and dedication can ensure a successful marketing campaign.

Our contacts with opinion leaders and governmental official also have influence on the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. We know how to adjust key messages to appeal their needs.