Pharmaceutical product registration Kazakhstan  Imexpharma twitter  eng | қаз | rus

Sales and distribution

Channel identification and motivation ‹-› Sales activity implementation and realization. “Down to Ground” – this is what we are here for.

Sales and distribution lie at the core of Imexpharma’s activities. We are increasing our skills in this area; we have a high-quality warehouse in Almaty so as the growing sales staff. Kazakhstan is extremely huge country area wise and to cover all regions and customers we also use our distributors’ networks.

We offer two different Sales and Distribution services:

  1. For products with highly concentrated customers, we use internal resources. We import the products, we store them in Almaty, and we negotiate with potential purchasers, take orders, and distribute the products as desired;

  2. For the medicals that treat widespread illnesses, and therefore need to be distributed across many locations in Kazakhstan, we cooperated with other distributors.
If the state is interested in purchasing the product in that case we interact with government officials on all levels to ensure that the product is in given consideration.

We also monitor distributors to ensure that there is no competition among them and that they are interested in selling the product. That kind of service requires an excellent relationship with distributors.